At Penninghen all our teachers are trained in Art and Design and are practicing professionals. For a yearly intake of approximately 650 students, 100 teachers (both French and international) work at the school preparing and presenting professional design conferences, design classes and master classes. Giving our students an exceptional opportunity to learn from the best in the industry in order to develop their design skills and professional network.
Since 1968, students have learnt from renowned professionals in the graphic design field such as Jacques-Nathan Garamond, Jacques Auriac, Roman Cieślewicz, Tadeusz Lewandowski, Peter Knapp, Paul Gabor, Paolo Roversi and Franck Horvat, as well as within the interior architecture sector: Jean-Rene Caillette, Michel Mortier, Antoine Philippon, Borja Huidobro, Claude Ducoux and Jean-Pierre Vitrac, to name but a few! These highly esteemed professional trainers are experts in their specific field and have a wide variety of different backgrounds. All passionate about design, they come to Penninghen to share their knowledge and savoir-faire with our students.